WALT- We are learning to write stories on our chrome book in response to a picture.
What I learnt- I learnt how to draw a image on google docs.
Title - An unexpected adventure
She knew that it hadn’t been a good idea to leave the tap running, but now she was starting to enjoy herself…
After a long time with the tap running when the water went down the plug hole it created so much suction she got sucked in too.
After a long time she realized she was in an unexpected ocean.
But after a while she liked the unexpected ocean.
Then a funny looking man appeared out of the unexpected ocean.
He dragged her to the bottom of the sea.
While she was getting to the bottom she realised there was a giant shrimp and a giant octopus with four giant manta rays.
She was very scared of the giant shrimp and giant octopus but the thing that frightened her the most was the four giant manta rays.
While she was getting taken down to the bottom of the sea, the funny man told her not to be frightened of the giant shrimp and the giant octopus and giant manta because they were nice.
When she was almost at the bottom she saw black tip reef sharks in the reefs below.
But then the funny looking man told her not to go by the reef sharks because they are always hungry.
Then the funny looking man told her that she would be at the bottom of the ocean in a few minutes.
She thought there was a diamond glowing in the reef by the giant shrimp.
So she asked the funny looking man and he said “yes the giant shrimp stole that diamond from the mysterious stone.
The mysterious stone helps keep predators out of our part of the ocean if the mysterious stone gets stolen all the sea life in our part of the ocean will turn into predators like nobody has seen before.
So if we can get to the sunken ship if there are lots of gems the giant shrimp might give us back our mysterious stone then the sea life in our part of the ocean won’t turn into predators and also won’t bring predators into our part of the ocean.”
Then she said ‘should we go to the sunken ship now?”
‘yes we should go now.”
So they went to the sunken ship ‘do you think there will be animals inside the sunken ship.”
‘ I do not know now I have never been to the sunken ship before.”
When they were almost there they saw a gigantic shadow.
Then she said’ who is making a gigantic shadow.
‘It could be the goblins.
They are always looking for a new place to live plus they love living in sunken ships.”
A few minutes later they were in the ship trying to find out who was making those shadows
A few minutes later they found the creature that was making the shadows…
It was the goblins.
‘What are you doing goblins?”
‘ What do you think we're doing? Said the goblins.”
‘I don’t know, ' said the funny man.”
Then the goblins said ‘we’re living in the sunken ship.”
Then the man said ‘are there any diamonds or gems in the sunken ship?”
‘No said the goblins”
So can you help us find some diamonds and gems and if you do please bring them to us.
‘Okay said the goblins.”
Then the goblins ‘asked why do you need so many gems and diamonds.”
Because the giant shrimp took the mystery stone and in one day and 2 hours 3 minutes and 48 seconds, all the animals will change into horrible creatures like nobody has seen before.
Then the boss of the goblins said ‘ hurry up and find gems and diamonds come on we need to find diamonds and gems.”
About twenty minutes later one of the goblins found a secret pathway leading to a rainbow glowing colour.
Then all of the goblins rushed into the secret pathway and tried to find diamonds and gems for the funny man to give to the giant shrimp.
When all of the goblins had come back every goblin was holding at least five diamonds and gems.
Then the boss of the goblins went to the funny old man to tell him they found millions of diamonds and gems.
When the funny old man come to the sunken ship he was so surprised what he saw he saw
Millions of diamonds and gems.
Let's give all the diamonds and gems to the giant shrimp.
A few minutes later the goblins had given the giant shrimp all the gems they found.
Finally the giant shrimp gave the funny old man the mystery stone.
Then the funny man looked at the place where the mystery stone should be and the time said one minute so the funny old man rushed to the mystery stone heart he just got there in time when he put the mystery stone into the heart the clock said 4 seconds left. The End
By Brody
2 stares- I like it because you can insert a drawing in google docs.
I also like it because you can chose which font you want to use.
1 wish-I wish you could chose to write about what ever want.
Question- have you got a bath tub at home?